Saturday, September 8, 2012

Daily Physical Activity for Americans

Recommendations for Daily Physical Activity (

Experts suggest that about 2 1/2 hours of moderate physical activity each week.

  • Physical activity can be intermittent, 10 mins here and there, throughout the week
  • Resistance activity can be included as part of the exercise total for the week
I am taking a Nutrition class for this semester. I had several options to choose different courses, but decided to go on this class. I play a boxing for habit. So, the concentration on adequate consumption of nutrients has naturally become one of my interests. I feel happy to learn new information that I didn't notice before.
Here, I want to tell you a website (, which helps you design balanced diets with abundance of good nutrients. As I quote from my textbook, here it says, "the USDA Food Guide provides a general road map for designing a healthful diet." : D

Information in detail can be found in an official site linked to HHS above (Health and Human Services)

Image: article: Nutrition Concepts&Controversies12e published by WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning

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